Below are links to sites which you may find useful.  This list is not intended to be complete but rather to highlight some of the more interesting and useful sites.  If you are aware of a link which you would like to see included, please let me know.

   Texas Probate Practice
       The Texas Probate Web Site -- The premier site for Texas probate concerns created by Glenn M. Karisch.
       Texas Guardianship and Elder Law Information -- The Guardianship, Probate and Trust Section of Crain Caton & James, P.C. maintains this site as a public service to answer questions and supply information about the Texas Guardianship System. It also contains current case law on Guardianship and Mental Health proceedings along with helpful links to other guardianship materials.
       Real Estate, Probate, & Trust Law Section of the State Bar of Texas -- Outstanding site of Fort Worth attorney Noel C. Ice which contains, among other things, excellent articles on a variety of topics including retirement planning, community property, and family limited partnerships.

 General Probate Practice

        American College of Trust and Estate Counsel -- Materials prepared by the leading estate planning organization in the nation.
        Real Estate, Probate, and Trust Law Section of the American Bar Association -- Access to a wide variety of materials prepared by the ABA such as Probate & Property magazine.
        Estate Planning Links -- Comprehensive compilation of links to estate planning resources.
        EstatesOrTrusts -- Over 90 articles relating to estate planning in the United Kingdom.

        National Paralegal College -- many articles regarding estate planning. 

    Computer Software

        Barney Jones's FlexDraft -- Comprehensive estate planning software based on Texas law designed by one the leading estate planners in Texas.

    Texas Legal Research

        Texas Law Blog -- Weblog maintained by Bradley Clark.
        American Law Sources On-Line -- Comprehensive compilation of Texas material.
        TexasOnline -- Main portal site of the Texas Government.

    Estate Planning Information for Non-Attorneys   

        American Bar Association -- Public Information Web Site of the American Bar Association's Section of Real Property, Probate and Trust Law.
        Texas Bar Association -- "To Will Or Not To Will" has been prepared to inform the public of what happens legally to the property of a person when he or she dies with a will or without a will.

   General Legal Research

         Legal Dictionaries -- More than 10 free legal dictionaries provided by Babylon Ltd.
        Jurist -- Outstanding web site, both content and links, designed especially for law students.
        Find Law -- Perhaps the most comprehensive and well-organized set of links to everything legal available on the Web.
        AllLaw -- Another comprehensive set of links to legal web sites.
        Find Law Legal Dictionary -- Look up unfamiliar legal terms. --  Find US courts, jails, prisons, police departments, sheriffs, and district attorneys, including addresses, hours, phone numbers, and services


               Wills on the Web -- Wills of famous folks.